What is a Demand Value Candidate?

A demand request mandates a spectrum of information submission from the requester. The ideal approach is twofold:

  1. Delivering structured and concise information that is comparable across various demand requests.
  2. Facilitating effortless information submission by the requester.

While Matrix42 utilizes enumerations (pickups) for straightforward user selection, it does not support dynamic extension by any user. This brings forth the concept: The Demand Value Candidate.


The fundamental idea behind demand value candidates is to facilitate structured information delivery. When answers cannot be confined to a static list or are not comprehensively known, the demand value candidates bridge the gap, melding both selection and expandability.


The configuration items for the demand value candidates are composed of:

  1. SPSCommonClassBase
  2. Information data definitions
  3. Ud_DemandCandidateCommonClass.

image.pngWithin the Ud_DemandCandidateCommonClass, users can determine:

  • The creation date of the value candidate (Ud_CreatedDate).
  • The individual who created the value candidate (Ud_Creator).
  • Whether the demand management officially provided the value candidate (Ud_IsOfficial).

Visibility & Accessibility

The status of a value candidate is paramount. Currently, the Demand Candidate States include:

  • Drafting state (20015)
  • Usable state (20016)
  • Dismissed state (20017)

When editing or creating a demand request, only those candidates are visible that are

  • in the usable state
  • in the drafting state and created by the current user.

Illustrative Example in Matrix42

Here's a step-by-step demonstration of the demand value candidate functionalities in Matrix42:

  • Value Selection by the demand requester.
  • Value Addition by the demand requester:
    1. Displaying all potential values.
    2. Initiating a new value creation.
    3. Finalizing the creation of a new value.
  • State Management by the demand management:
    1. Navigating to the desired demand value candidate within the Demand Management application.
    2. Updating the state of the demand value candidate to the desired value.