How to add a new Logistics Company

Within this guide you are going to learn, how to add additional logistics companies within Matrix42. These are used for display within the order and booking previews.


  • A supplier uses a new logistics company when shipping goods.
  • The supplier is connected to S4Hana and uses ASN confirmations to transmit the
    • tracking number into BillOfLading
    • shipping provider into ShippingCondition
  • The logistics company is added as a new value for the ShippingCondition field within S4Hana.
  • You know the full name of the logistics company (e.g. DHL) and the label value (e.g. Z5) of the shipping condition.


  1. Log into Matrix42 and navigate to Administration > Data Definition.
  2. Edit the Ud_ShippingPartner data definition.
  3. Add a new data row containing
    1. the name to display to users (DisplayString)
    2. the unique value to identify the row within Matrix42 (Value)
    3. the unique value allowing to map the S4Hana ShippingCondition to the Matrix42 row (S4Hana Identifier)