How to Enable Special Processing

Within this guide you are going to learn how to enable the upgraded special processing within Matrix42.


  • We assume that the current order management workflows with 'registration' processing are used.
  • We want to enable 'registration' based processing for special items.


  1. Install the RootITUp.OrderManagement.Processing.Special.Data configuration project
  2. Install the RootITUp.OrderManagement.Processing.Special.Layout
  3. Disable the deletion of Ud_SpecialRequisition, Ud_SpecialRequisitionSoftwarePosition, Ud_SpecialRequisitionHardwarePosition by excluding them within the action Deleteobjects
  4. Configure the action UD_SpecialRequestPosition_Decline to only be eligible for procurement users
  5. Configure the action ud_special_requisition_goods_receipt to only be eligible for procurement users
  6. Update the Decision Maker Roles within the Approval - RootITup Special Booking workflow to match your needs for the individual services
  7. Configure the dialogs ADM Special Requisition Dialog., ADM Special Requisition Software Position Dialog and ADM Special Requisition Hardware Position Dialog to only be eligible for procurement users.
  8. Configure the "#Sonderbestellung" services
    1. Set the approval workflow to Approval - RootITUp Special Booking
    2. Set the service type to Hardware or Software
    3. Set the provisioning workflow to Provisioning - RootITUp Booking Special Processing with the self service portal form Ud_SpecialRequisition
    4. Set the SAP S4/Hana purchasing group to 011 for hardware and 012 for software