Workflow not continuing for InDelivery booking

Within this guide you are going to learn how to continue a booking using an outdated provisioning workflow version.


  • An instance of the provisioning workflow Provisioning - RootITUp Booking Processing with a version smaller than 1.80 is not finishing.


  1. As the workflow is not able to understand InDelivery as a status in which an order was succesfully created. There is no way to fix this problem within the running workflows.
  2. Therefore run the following command in a regular interval using the adesso.matrix42.apicalls module. This moves all bookings from the status InDelivery to the Ordered state. Older versions of the workflow are able to understand this state.
$bookings = Get-Fragments -DataDefinition "SVCServiceBookingClassBase" -Where "Ud_ExternalBookingStatus=12"foreach($booking in $bookings){  Get-AuthenticatedRequest -Call "data/fragments/SVCServiceBookingClassBase" -RawBody ("{Ud_ExternalBookingStatus:10,ID:'" + $booking.Id + "'}") -Method PUT}