Orchestrator - Deliver Basket Item

This workflow is used for communicating the delivery of a basket item within the order management process.


  1. Gathering Registration Information: The workflow begins by extracting essential data from the registration object using the provided registration ID. This data includes the basket item ID, order ID, and BProc context ID.
  2. Asserting Status: Should the registration already be in delivery or delivered, the workflow finishes without any changes.
  3. Constructing Delivery Command: A delivery command, formatted in JSON, is created including the supplied serial numbers.
  4. Context ID Extension: The command is augmented with a context ID if it exists, ensuring correlation between all commands and events.
  5. BProc Gateway Interaction: The workflow then communicates with the BProc gateway using the constructed command.
  6. Error Handling: If an error occurs, indicating a major failure, the workflow is terminated.
  7. Context ID Management: In the absence of errors, the gateway returns a context ID, which is then stored in the registration by the workflow.
  8. Awaiting Basket Item Delivery Begin: The workflow waits for the BasketItemInDelivery event to be incorporated into Matrix42.
  9. Finalizing Delivery Begin: Finally, the workflow updates the registration status to 'in delivery'.

This workflow efficiently manages the begin of delivery for basket items, ensuring accurate and timely processing within the order management system.

Orchestrator - Deliver Basket Item.png